Pupil Personnel Services
"We Believe ALL students can meet/exceed standards or demonstrate continual maximum growth towards it."
Special Education and Section 504
Hamilton City School District is committed to the success of ALL students. The intervention specialist, related service personnel (including school psychologist, speech pathologist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, and school nurses), and the core academic teachers are dedicated to ensuring that each student grows academically and socially/emotionally. We do this by providing instructional design and delivery that takes the individualized learning needs/Section 504 accommodations into account. This takes a collaborative effort. This collaborative effort also includes parents, administrators, and support personnel. All of this is to enhance the independence and academic success of the whole child as well as prepare them for life beyond high school.
Hamilton City Schools programming is not only driven by compliance with state/federal regulations but also under the guidance of Ohio's Department of Education's Office of Exceptional Children. As a district, we promote inclusion by providing services in the least restrictive environment (LRE) as determined by the teams for each student. The use of data supports a response to intervention and instructional design throughout our work. HCSD currently employs 14 school nurses, 13 school psychologists, 3 physical therapists, 9 occupational therapists, 20 speech pathologists, just over 125 intervention specialists, core academic teachers, and support personnel to serve and ensure compliance.
- Click here for A Guide to Parent Rights in Special Education
- Spanish version- Una guía sobre los derechos de los padres en educación especial
- Click here for Ohio Department of Education's/Hamilton City School's Parent Mentor
Building Leadership
Additional Resources
Executive Director of Special Education and Pupil Personnel
513-887-5000 Ext. 4455
Kim Peters
Director of Special Education
513-887-5000 Ext. 7162
Alex Sorrentino
Supervisor of Mental Health
513-887-5000 Ext. 4451
Kristy Neeley
Supervisor of Special Education
Hamilton Freshman, Hamilton High, Miami School
513-887-5000 Ext. 4173
Supervisor of Special Education
Fairwood ES, Brookwood ES, Highland ES, Riverview ES
Jayne Vanegas
Supervisor of Special Education
Crawford Woods ES, Linden ES, Garfield MS
513-887-5000 Ext. 4452
Jen Wolf
Supervisor of Special Education
Wilson MS, Ridgeway ES, Bridgeport ES
513-887-5170 Ext. 3332
Lori Harrison
Transition Coordinator
513-868-7700 Ext. 4306
Administrative Assistant